• Chandigarh, Punjab - 122001

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Tooth Extraction Center

In cases of dental decay, infection, or crowding, doctors may advise tooth extraction. Depending on your location, whether the tooth is affected, and whether you need more teeth extracted, the price may change. Although wisdom teeth extractions are common among teenagers and certain adults, there are additional reasons why adult tooth extractions may be required. dental extractions may be necessary for crowding, excessive dental decay, and infections. When wearing braces, a person may need to have one or two teeth extracted to make room for their other teeth to erupt. In order to maintain a healthy mouth, people receiving chemotherapy or scheduled for an organ transplant may also need to have compromised teeth extracted. A dentist or oral surgeon will extract a tooth, which is a rather rapid outpatient surgery that can be done under local, general, intravenous, or a combination of anesthetic. Teeth that are visible can be extracted easily. More extensive treatment is necessary for teeth that are fractured, impacted, or below the surface.

For more details, please contact us at +919467241150

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